Web 3.0 = (4C + P + VS)

25 10 2009

Web 3.0 = (4C + P + VS)

Sramana Mitra has submitted this formula for the future: Web 3.0 = (4C + P + VS).       (I have created a equation diagram for a better view of the formula)

4c = Content, Commerce, Community, Context

P = Personalization

VS = Vertical Search

Web 2.0 has been a nichy phenomenon with hundred and thousands of microcap efforts addressing one of the Cs, lately, Community being the most popular force, producing companies like MySpace, Facebook, Piczo, Xanga, and Flixster.

In Web 1.0, Commerce had been the driving force, that produced companies like Netflix,BlueNile, Amazon, and eBAY. It had also resulted in the Dotcom meltdown.

The same period that is seeing the surge of Web 2.0, has also seen a great deal of investment in Vertical Search, like Sidestep for Travel.

Personalization has remained limited to some unsatisfactory efforts by the MyYahoo team, their primary disadvantage being the lack of a starting Context. More recently, Netvibes has raised a lot of buzz, but also lacks the same organizing principle: Context.

In Web 3.0, I predict, we are going to start seeing roll-ups. We will see a trunk that emerges from the Context, be it film (Netflix), music (iTunes), cooking / food, working women, single parents, … and assembles the Web 3.0 formula that addresses the whole set of needs of a consumer in that Context.

I will make an example of what she means by Web 3.0 = (4C + P + VS).

Now you got to imagine that,

  1. There is a pretty woman, dark skinned, dark haired, brown eyed. I have a distinct personal style, and only certain designers resonate with it (Context).
  2. She wants her personal David Jones which carries clothes by those designers, in my size (Commerce).
  3. She wants her personal Vogue magazine that covers articles about that Style, those Designers, and other emerging ones like them (Content).
  4. She wants to exchange notes with others of my size-shape-style-psychographic and discover what else looks good. She also wanted a recommendation system telling her what they’re buying (Community).
  5. There’s also some basic principles of what looks good based on skin tone, body shape, hair color, eye color and etc. She wants the search engine to be able to filter and match based on an algorithm that builds in this knowledge base (Personalization, Vertical Search).

Now, image the same for process as above for a short, fat man, who doesn’t really have a sense of what to wear. And he doesn’t have a wife or a girl-friend. Before Web 3.0, he could go to the personal shopper at David Jones.

With Web 3.0, the Internet will be his Personal Shopper.

The Road to Web 3.0

25 10 2009

Road to Web 3.0

Out of all the Internet buzzwords and jargon that have made the transition to the public consciousness, “Web 2.0” might be the best known. Even though a lot of people have heard about it, not many have any idea what Web 2.0 means. Some people claim that the term itself is nothing more than a marketing ploy designed to convince venture capitalists to invest millions of dollars into Web sites. It’s true that when Dale Dougherty of O’Reilly Media came up with the term, there was no clear definition. There wasn’t even any agreement about if there was a Web 1.0.

Some Examples of the Hottest Web 2.0 tools in the market:


Other people insist that Web 2.0 is a reality. In brief, the characteristics of Web 2.0 include:

  • The ability for visitors to make changes to Web pages: Amazon allows visitors to post product reviews. Using an online form, a visitor can add information to Amazon’s pages that future visitors will be able to read.
  • Using Web pages to link people to other users: Social Networking sites like Facebook and MySpace are popular in part because they make it easy for users to find each other and keep in touch.
  • Fast and efficient ways to share content; Youtube is the perfect example. YouTube member can create a video and upload it to the site for others to watch in less than an hour.
  • New ways to get information: Today, Internet surfers can subscribe to a Web page’s Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds and receive notifications of that Web page’s updates as long as they maintain an Internet connection.
  • Expanding access to the Internet beyond the computer: Many people access the Internet through devices like cell phones or video game consoles; before long, some experts expect that consumers will access the Internet through television sets and other devices.

Just think of Web 1.0 as a library. You can use it as a source of information, but you can’t contribute to or change the information in any way.

While Web 2.0 is more like a big group of friends and acquaintances, which you can still use it to receive information, also can contribute to the conversation and make it a richer experience.

There are still many people trying to get a grip on Web 2.0, others are already beginning to think about what comes next.

Some experts believe that the foundation for Web 3.0 will be application-programming interfaces (APIs). An API is an interface designed to allow developers to create applications that take advantage of a certain set of resources. Many Web 2.0 sites include APIs that give programmers access to the sites’ unique data and capabilities. For example, Facebook’s API allows developers to create programs that use Facebook as a staging ground for games, quizzes, product reviews and more.

One Web 2.0 trend that could help the development of Web 3.0 is the mashup. A mashup is the combination of two or more applications into a single application. For example, a developer might combine a program that lets users review restaurants with Google Maps. The new mashup application could show not only restaurant reviews, but also map them out so that the user could see the restaurants’ locations. Some Internet experts believe that creating mashups will be so easy in Web 3.0 that anyone will be able to do it.

What do you think about the rise of Web 3.0 ?

Evolution Web 1.0, Web 2.0 to Web 3.0

24 10 2009


Web 1.0 – That Geocities & Hotmail era was all about read-only content and static HTML websites. People preferred navigating the web through link directories of Yahoo! and dmoz.

Web 2.0 – This is about user-generated content and the read-write web. People are consuming as well as contributing information through blogs or sites like Flickr, YouTube, Digg, etc. The line dividing a consumer and content publisher is increasingly getting blurred in the Web 2.0 era.

Web 3.0 – This will be about semantic web (or the meaning of data), personalization (e.g. iGoogle), intelligent search and behavioral advertising among other things.

If that sounds confusing, check out some of these excellent presentations that help you understand Web 3.0 in simple English. Each takes a different approach to explain Web 3.0 and the last presentation uses an example of a “postage stamp” to explain the “semantic web”.

The Social Media Revolution

24 10 2009

A quick sumup of key points:

  • 1 of 8couples in the US meet via social media
  • Facebook added 100 Million new users in 9 months, it took radio 38years to reach that audience
  • If Facebook was a country, it would be the worlds 4th largest
  • Ashton Kutcher has more followers on Twitter than the entire population of Ireland, or Norway
  • 25% of search results for the world’s largest brands are links to user generated content
  • We no longer search for news or products, they find us through social media
  • More than 1.5 billion items are shared on Facebook – per day!
  • ‘Its a people driven economy’ — Erik Qualman, 2009
  • The new paradigm: “Listening first, selling second”

How Will Social Media Make History

24 10 2009

Clay Shirky manages to picture and explain the impact of the Internet on our social structures in easy words and with compelling examples.

  • Internet is the first platform that allows both group-building/management & conversation.
  • Media that is good at creating conversations (e.g. phone) is no good at creating groups; media that’s good at creating groups is no good at creating conversations. The Internet is the first medium that has native support for groups and conversations at the same time.
  • The Internet also becomes the main carrier for all other media. Never thought about it like this before but it makes complete sense. The Internet is also a Meta Medium.
  • As for now consumers become producer, but I like Clay’s analogy on this one: “It is as if you bought a book, they threw in the printing press for free”.
  • Using the last big Chinese earthquake as an example, he demonstrates why in a new media landscape, where the news is not only produced by so called “professionals” it will become increasingly difficult for countries to censor the Internet. Media is produced locally, quickly, by amateurs and at an incredible abundance, which makes it practically uncontrollable.
  • Times of classic sender and receiver models are over, we are increasingly in an environment where media is global, social, ubiquitous and cheap.
  • Convene your supporters, don’t control them and never try to hide conversation, e.g. delete negative replies. They happen whether you like it or not. So deal with them appropriately.
  • Media is less sending a message to an individual, but about creating an environment for convening and supporting groups. Well, I guess that sums it up nicely. I couldn’t agree more.

10 Web 2.0 Strategies

23 10 2009

Ten ways of Web 2.0 strategies base on Mr Dion Hinchcliffe concept, I have made a web diagram for the following ways:

10 Web 2.0 Strategies - Web Diagram

1st: Back to the basics: Your Web site

In the rush to experiment with social media, community features, and sophisticated online services, it’s safe to say that some companies have lost focus. Build a rich, cleanly designed and useful Web site for your customers and they will come. As well, technical skills are still valuable despite the emphasis on “easier” Web development tools.

2nd: Web development frameworks (browser, front-end)

Several popular tools: Adobe Flash, Adobe Air, Microsoft Silverlight, and to a certain extent, Java. These tools have reduced the gap between what your computer and your browser can do, make writing code much faster, Web-based, rich, line-of-business applications that we can use now taking lesser time to build compare in the past.

3rd: Web development frameworks (browser, back-end)

We are now seeing a clean break from what has come before to develop scalable, secure applications and services with Web 2.0 best practices,” Hinchcliffe says.

He cites Python and Ruby on Rails (both free) as two top programs. “We call these productivity-oriented frameworks because they can be 10 to 20 times more productive in developing code than older technologies,” he says. “That is enormous because when you are developing software, talent is most of the cost.”

4th: Collaboration Software

Microsoft’s collaboration software, Sharepoint, which in its early days was a simple document sharing tool, is now chockfull of social networking features, including tools to support blogs, wikis, and a robust interactive community. It’s free version, Windows SharePoint Services, which comes with Windows, you can do BI, reporting, and integration, and it’s an entire application development platform as well.

Google Docs can easily do all the basics, including making bulleted lists, sorting by columns, adding tables, images, comments, formulas, changing fonts and more.

If you want to work and share docs within the team, now every team members can view and make changes at the same time. There’s an on-screen chat window for spreadsheets, and document revisions show you exactly who changed what, and when. We can also add in more details or comments.

Users love the tool because it consolidates information from many applications, and loves it because it’s a single technology they can use for many purposes.

5th: SaaS

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) keeps growing and growing and growing, experts and analysts say, with many large companies adding SaaS components to on-premise software installations. Salesforce.com, considered the bellwether of the SaaS industry, reported record revenue of $305 million, up 23% from 2008, in its fiscal first quarter ended April 30, 2009. SaaS is winning favor because it’s often 20% cheaper than managing a non-premise application. SaaS is on track to be the dominant model for software by 2012. There are still lots of security issues, but the economics are definitely there. The other sweeping advantage is the flexibility that companies gain by rapidly adding new functionality. The paradigm shift is where you can go acquire a piece of what you need and assemble that into the software that you already own.

6th: Cloud computing

It’s only a matter of time before cloud computing gains its place on center stage.

Sure, there are still security and reliability issues, but what aspect of IT doesn’t have that today?

Cloud services, offered by tech giants such as

They are making it relatively painless and certainly cheaper for a company to add infrastructure than if they were doing it themselves. They also gain best practices from the cloud provider. If the company decides it doesn’t need that extra infrastructure in six or 12 months, it simply cancels the service. That’s why enterprise customers are now doing cloud computing pilots, whereas a year ago, CIOs were turning up their noses at the concept.

7th: Micro-blogging

Using social networking sites to broadcast news and other information about your company is a pretty darn cheap and widely acceptable way to engage with your community of partners, customers, and prospects. From the IT management side, there’s not much to do and why not educate your executives about the social Web?

It’s virtually free, except for the labor involved, and you have unprecedented reach into decision makers,” says Jonathan Jaffe, founder of its-your-internet.com, a New York City-based company that advises organizations on technologies for online marketing.

This will change because as more people use Twitter these individuals will get bombarded, but now there’s a lot of accessibility. IT people are also broadcasting technical problems to the social Web and sometimes getting answers within an hour or two from vendors and experts.

8th: Internal social networking

Companies are best off starting internally when experimenting with social media. For one thing, it’s better to make a mistake inside the company than with customers and influencers. For another, employees increasingly prefer to communicate via social media, and now, enterprise social networking tools incorporate security and other requirements that big companies seek.

Leading Web-based applications for internal blogs, micro-blogging, mashups, and wikis include Confluence by Atlassian, Socialtext, and the open-source MediaWiki. Such tools are often available at a fraction of the cost of traditional collaboration products (from companies such as Microsoft and IBM).

9th: Bridging the gap between developers and finance

This isn’t a technology but a strategy; IT pros should stay close to the people who hold the purse when they are looking into new applications and projects, as always.

From my point of view, having developed Web applications for the past 13 years, a key issue I’ve seen everywhere is the communication gap between the financial controller (FC) of the company and the development team members. So my advice is don’t focus too much on the buzzwords. Get in synch with your FC and look at your projects from a business point of view.” Dan Bridge, a UK-based developer

10th: Thinking small

  • The beauty of Web 2.0 is that you don’t have to invest loads of cash or time to experiment.
  • Small projects are often the way to go. In fact, one might say that in today’s world of layoffs, small is big.
  • Check out all the social media tools and sites that you can and then consider: Could any of these ideas work in-house or on our public site?

Rhett & Link, Building Internetainment by Vodcasting

21 10 2009

Some facebook fans have even wrote a song about facebook and post it on youtube…

They are Rhett and Link on the RhettandLink’s Channel on Youtube channel, and is totally free for people to subscribe to. <<To Subscribe Click Here>>

Not just on Youtube, they even have following Web 2.0 tools to keep their fans updated their latest creations,

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • iTunes Podcast
  • MySpace
  • They will write on their blog and film a video for vodcasting about how their fans felt about the use of facebook or twitter or any recent famous web 2.0 tools around on web. By using the publicity of using Youtube which have bring their videos to everyone, showing them their passion and effort. Basically they get famous by using Vodcasting.

    They have their very own website too.


    Know More About Twitter with a Funny Video

    21 10 2009

    Twouble with Twitters: SuperNews!

    This is a video showing some of the people have use Twitter and became a “Twitterholic“…

    Twitterholic means that people twit their every single move, just like the video. Example like, “I Just Got Into Office”, “I am going to Toilet”, etc. And this twits I felt that is a bit too Twitterholic Overdose.

    Twitter is a brand new way micro blogging which we can made it with good use, maybe just like marketing a business or more. Recently Twitter is partnering with Crushpad, a custom winemaking service in San Francisco, to produce the wine; a portion of the proceeds will go to Room to Read, a non-profit supporting reading programs and libraries in Asia and Africa. Reaching out everyone using the twitter.

    <<Click here to read about the marketing using Twitter>>

    WordPress on iPhone

    20 10 2009



    Everything is facing evolution here. In the past we can only blog on our Laptop with wifi connection. And Twitter came into the picture with MircoBlogging using a simple 140 words which we can blog our every move using a SMS on a handphone. Now we can simply just writing blog on a smartphone like iPhone which is running on a 3G wireless broadband, which allow bloggers to log in to check, to write, to update their blog no matter where they are. Is a brilliant move for WordPress to launch an app on iPhone.

    iPhone Users the link below to download WordPress App:


    Google Wave = “Best Personal Communication & Collaboration Tool” ?

    20 10 2009

    Google Wave is designed as the next generation of Internet Communication.


    Below will be an overview video of Google Wave by Product managers, Stephanie and Greg explain many of the features of Google Wave. And do not be surprise that this amazing Wave is develop back in Google, Sydney, Australia

    I personally felt that I will be amazing if it is exactly like what the video have demonstrated for  Google Wave. Is very interactive, and user friendly. And they have sync it with all their services like Google Talk, Docs, Scholar, Maps and more. 3rd Party apps also can be found on Google wave too, which they can create useful apps for Wave which can help the user to ease their everyday life. They have integrated Web & Enterprise 2.0 methodology into Wave.  Really hope Google Wave will launch to public as soon as possible. And i would really wish to use it for my future projects back in QUT.

    This will be the wiki link which tells you all about Google Wave : <<Click to Read More>>

    Google Wave: A Complete Guide

    Blogs by September 29th, 2009| by Ben Parr

    << Click to

    Do you think that Google Wave = “Best Personal Communication & Collaboration Tool” ? Which is better ?